Welding what do you need / What do you need for welding

Welding what do you need / What do you need for welding

Welding what do you need / What do you need for welding


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Welding what do you need / What do you need for welding


Now we’ll give you a list of everything you need for welding.


Greetings from Schweißfan


Today there are a few tips for all those who would like to start welding and don’t know exactly what they actually need for welding.

That’s why I have summarized something for you here from my 10 years of experience as a welder



The question is, what do you need for welding? I would start quite primitively with the fact that you definitely need a welding machine here you should choose what you would like to weld stainless steel steel or aluminum and then there would be the question of whether a lot or a little.


And then, in my opinion, it also depends on how you want the weld seam to look. I personally find the Tig weld seams are nicer than the MIG or MAG weld seams, or I would only say slightly nicer. The other two things can also be welded really cool.

Once you know what you want to do, you still need some accessories.


Definitely welding gas, again depending on the process you want to use. Then you decide which gas you need.


A pressure reducer for the right amount of gas and of course a hose package with the right welding torch, there are also many different variants. Here I recommend starting with the standard things first and then you can take a look at what other accessories are available for burners.


TIG welding machine MAG welding machine

Aluminum bucket tig welding machine aluminum welding action welding inverter WELDINGER WE 2003P ACDC with TIG set pressure regulator welding helmetWELDINGER WELDINGER MEW 202 SYN puls dig 200A synergic MIG/MAG pulse welding machine two-roller drive ALu spoon welding machine







That was it on the subject of welding equipment, now we come to the subject of protective equipment, whereby we would have to differentiate again which welding process is used, because we have the spatter formation with electrode and mag, whereby for me the protective equipment must be somewhat stronger there than with TIG welding, which is the cleanest welding process and no spatter occurs.


So then we start at the top, we need a welding helmet, so to speak, here again there are many variants that can be used and here I really do not recommend taking the cheapest helmets here it is really important that the switch-off duration is very short and that simply protects the eyes from UV radiation. Here is a link to an example.


BÖHLER GUARDIAN 62 Welding helmet aluminum spoon wig welding mag welding electrode





Then of course welding gloves, here I also have the tip from experience to take gloves with a long shaft, because it has often happened to me with shorter ones that I have burned my forearm when placing the arm on a welding part. Then I would also say that they are not so hard that you have a good feeling in the gloves.


Aluminum spoon wig gloves welding gloves böhler-welding-gloves-wig


Our airways are of course also very important and welding produces toxic fumes – you can tell if you have been welding for a long time without extraction. If you don’t want to buy an extraction system at the beginning, I recommend welding in a well-ventilated area. Of course, not where there is wind because it displaces the shielding gas and therefore cannot be welded optimally.

For starters, however, I would definitely recommend a mouthguard as there are very good ones available for a good price with sweat filters. They are really good and, above all, protect against vapors. Here is a link



Face mask Kemper suction fresh air helmet

Moldex reusable half mask silicone face mask welding fumesKemper Dusty Evo high vacuum filter unitGuardian Air Kit with Guardian50FM Air flip-up welding helmet (matt blue) with fresh air supply


If you are MAg or electrode welding, I would recommend special clothing that is fireproof. Mostly made of leather.





Now we come to the subject of accessories – what do you need as a welder to work properly? Here again, a distinction must be made between the welding processes.

Let’s start with,



TIG welding:


Here I would definitely recommend clamps, grip pliers, wire brush and angle brackets. In addition, I would recommend a box with different compartments for the burner accessories, where you can stow things well and store them clearly.

Everything else I think comes into play when working, depending on what you want to do, you can then design it individually a little hint maybe I have a small box with different sheets and profiles to underlay or stabilize depending on what you weld.






For MAG welding, I would basically recommend the same, plus a pair of pliers to cut the wire at the front of the torch from time to time




I would say it’s the same, only here I would recommend a cinder hammer.

Basic basic equipment for electrode welding





And last but not least, I would always recommend a welding station, preferably a metal table, of course, because you have the advantage of being able to simply clamp the mass to the table.


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Welding what do you need / What do you need for welding


So then I hope I was able to help you with the article Welding what do you need / What do you need for welding? I would be delighted to receive your feedback. And if you would like to find out and see more about welding, then take a look at our channels. Welding is a daily topic there.

10 tig welder tips


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