Our services for you

Welding services

Welding aluminum

Welding cast aluminum

Welding gray cast iron

Classic car repair welding

Bicycle frame repair welding

Flame spraying

Magnesium welding

Welder workshop

Welder Academy

Our experience for your welding project:

Welcome to our first-class welding service for aluminum spoons! If you are looking for precise and reliable welding solutions, you have come to the right place. Our highly qualified welders have extensive experience in the processing of aluminum, magnesium and grey cast iron and guarantee first-class results that meet your requirements in every respect.

Our welding service at Alu Löffel offers a wide range of services, including welding bicycle frames and tanks, repairing classic cars, adapting to individual requirements and ensuring the highest quality and precision.

Our team works with state-of-the-art equipment and the latest welding techniques to ensure that your aluminum buckets meet the highest standards.

We understand how important modern welding processes are in various procedures and areas, be it in components, bicycles, trailers or other special parts.

We attach great importance to meeting your specific requirements and guarantee on-time deliveries.

You can rely on our expertise and experience. Contact us today to find out more about our services and how we can help you with your projects. Your trust is our incentive to offer first-class welding solutions for aluminum buckets.

Pfingst-sale 18.-20.05.2024



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-5 % auf Schweißgeräte Code: p24sg
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Summer Sale bis 04.08.2024

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-18 % auf Böhler Geräte & -zubehör. Code: summerböhler18

-8 % auf Jasic Geräte. Code: summerjasic8

-10 % auf Schweißzubehör Code: summerzubehör10