Welding and cutting trade fair 2023

Welding and cutting trade fair 2023

Welding and cutting trade fair 2023


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Welding and cutting trade fair 2023


The Welding and Cutting 2023: A must for welders and craftsmen

It’s that time again – this year, the largest welding trade fair in Germany is just around the corner: Schweißen und Schneiden 2023 in Essen. From September 11 to 15, all the major welding companies, exhibitors and experts from all over Europe will come together here.


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Personally, I’m really looking forward to this event, which will definitely be top class.

If you are interested in welding, I can only recommend that you attend this event. Even if one day may not be enough for such a large trade fair, it is definitely worth attending.


As the owner of a welding company for eleven years, this year is the first time I have taken part. I’ll be there all week, and I’d like to tell you why.

I have already participated in many small trade fairs, but this welding and cutting fair offers a unique opportunity.



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Here you can not only make valuable contacts, but also get to know the latest developments, tools, machines and welding equipment. These innovations can optimize and improve everyday life in the company or in the workshop.

The exchange with other trade fair visitors is one of the coolest aspects of this event. The atmosphere is relaxed and people are open.


Companies such as Optrel, Böhlerwelding and Kemper will be represented with their stands, and I will be present everywhere. Scheduled appointments and test opportunities offer the chance to try out products and technologies directly.


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I’ll be at the fair for the entire five days, recording content for my social media channels – Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. My goal is to give you insights during the week and share videos directly online.


So you can experience first-hand what happens at the welding and cutting trade fair. Take a look at my social media channels and follow me. You get fresh impressions, whether you can be there yourself or not.

If you are visiting the fair or are interested in my content, I look forward to meeting you.



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Don’t forget to sign up to my newsletter to benefit from free welding tips and an exclusive freebie. I also plan to give away free tickets for the welding and cutting trade fair on Instagram.


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