Shielding gas pressure reducer

Shielding gas pressure reducer

Shielding gas pressure reducer



Hey sweat fan greetings,


Shielding gas pressure reducer


So how does it work with an inert gas pressure reducer, do you need it and how do you use it?


First of all, there are different gas cylinders with Air Liquide, for example, the pressure reducer is integrated in the cylinder. Which I think is extremely cool and easy, because you save money here and of course you are often checked, so you stay in shape, so to speak.


This is what the conventional pressure reducer looks like.



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The system at Air liquide is also very safe because they have a plastic housing around the pressure reducer, which of course protects it perfectly.



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It is extremely easy to put the bottle in place and quickly attach the cap, set the flow rate and you can start welding.


I have already written more about the system in another blog.


The other variant requires an external inert gas pressure reducer, which you must have with you and screw onto the respective cylinder.


Of course it’s a bit more complicated, but it also works and I have to say that the system is not quite as secure and the bottle definitely needs to be properly secured. If this falls over, the inert gas pressure reducer can fly off.


I’ve been welding for some time now and also on a daily basis and have really slaughtered a few shielding gas pressure reducers, which is why I opted for the Air Liquide system, for example.


If you would like to see this, I have also made a video.



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I hope I was able to help you with this article. I would be delighted to receive your feedback. And if you would like to find out and see more about welding, then take a look at our channels. Welding is a daily topic there.



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