Welding machine for thin sheets

Welding machine for thin sheets

Welding machine for thin sheets




Hey sweat fan greetings,




Welding machine for thin sheets





Is there actually a welding machine for welding thin sheet metal?




So I would answer the question with a resounding yes. However, most welding machines can probably do this. What is important here is a low welding current setting so that you do not burn through thin sheets too quickly. made a hole. This is of course not an advantage with thin sheet metal.




Now you can do one thing, you can simply move the torch a little further away from the welding object. It is even easier, for example, to weld with a 0.6 mm wire.


0.6 mm welding rod




The huge advantage here is that little heat is applied to the sheet metal and there is less material build-up. We use this, for example, when we weld our thin sheet metal for our tank renovations. It works really well and we save at least half the time we needed before.



Pressure gauge/pressure reducer for TIG and MAG welding

MAG welding welding gun Tool



In my opinion, a very suitable welding machine for this is, for example, a synergy device. Here you can set the device very low and weld the sheet metal quickly and neatly.

Here is an example of a device.


Welliger welding machine aluminum spoon mag welding steel welding at home welding machine for thin sheets Welliger welding machine aluminum spoon welding


And here is an example video of our welding machine with which we only weld thin sheets. We set this up especially for welding thin sheet metal.

Here is a video on thin sheet welding




Check out my YouTube channel!



I hope I was able to help you with this article on welding machines for thin sheets. I would be delighted to receive your feedback. And if you would like to find out and see more about welding, then take a look at our channels. Welding is a daily topic there.


10 tig welder tips


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