Magnesium TIG welding
Hey sweat fan greetings,
Magnesium TIG welding
Is it possible to TIG weld magnesium?
Yes, that is possible and even very good. First of all, how can you tell that the material is really made of magnesium? There are 1.2 characteristics by which you can quickly recognize this. First of all, it is very light and, above all, lighter than aluminum. You can tell that it is magnesium, for example, and not pure aluminum.
Next, when you weld yourself and approach the material with the torch, it usually glows greenish. This is virtually the last indiez for the fact that it is magnesium and not pure aluminum.
If you know that, it’s good to be able to react. Of course, the right filler material with which to weld the whole thing is important.
And then the whole thing behaves similarly to aluminum casting, with preheating, slowly heating down and you have to weld it all at a certain temperature. Visually, you can say goodbye to the fact that it looks like’s a different thing that you have to get to grips with first.
Magnesium TIG welding
Oh, the biggest problem for us at the beginning was getting hold of the filler material. Now we have a partner. If you need additional material, just get in touch with us and we will be happy to help you.
Of course, we also have a video on this topic. Just click on the link below and take a look.
So to cut a long story short, if you need help we can help you, we can get the filler material for you so that you can weld on your own. Or we can also weld the whole thing for you. Simply get in touch with us.
Magnesium TIG welding
So I hope I was able to help you with the Magnesium TIG welding article. I would be delighted to receive your feedback. And if you would like to find out and see more about welding, then take a look at our channels. Welding is a daily topic there.