How to weld properly

How to weld properly


How to weld properly



Greetings sweat fans,


How to weld properly


That is of course a very good and great question, I think everyone wants to be able to weld well and quickly, which unfortunately is not always the case, that everything works straight away.


But I say with a little practice and ambition and the right equipment you can learn to weld quite quickly.


Of course, this question also raises the question of which welding process you want to use. Here we have a few to choose from, and the first thing you should do is find out what suits and works best for you.



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Depending on what you want to weld, of course


So, how do you weld properly?


You definitely need the right welding machine for the right welding process. and for me one of the most important things is the protective equipment. and the respective accessories for the welding machine.


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There are of course some things that I weld, for example, piercing or falling or dragging – these are the so-called falling directions in which you then weld, where a distinction is also made between the welding process.


Gas is of course also an important topic here. You also need the right shielding gas for the respective welding process, whether you are welding MAG or TIG.



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I have already made a lot of videos on all these topics, so why not take a look at my channel and find out even more about what you need to know about welding




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I hope my article How to weld properly has helped you. Take a look at my free tig welding tips HERE

10 tig welder tips


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