Aluminum spoon welding services

Submit welding order

Immediate help with your defective part or your custom-made product!

Online store & welding accessories

Welding equipment and accessories for welding

Browse now and order directly from a professional.

Receive a one-off
-10 %
on your next order.

Minimum order value 100 €. Excluding all WELDINGER products.

Known from

Years of welding experience
+ 0
Parts welded & repaired
+ 0
Helped customers
+ 0
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+ 0


Our EXPERIENCE for your welding project:

At Alu Löffel Schweiß-Services, we support private individuals, the self-employed and medium-sized companies as a service provider for all aspects of welding.

We weld aluminum, cast aluminum, magnesium, stainless steel and steel for you. We also offer numerous welding products and accessories in our store and support people in learning about welding online and offline:

Aluminium Schweißen lernen

Welding services

for aluminum, steel and stainless steel. Repair of classic cars or welding of custom-made products

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Live welding workshops

We coach you directly in our workshop with your own welding machine

VIG Finger

Online Shop

Merchandise and welding accessories

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Learn to weld online

in our work

We give you an insight on our aluminum spoon website

We specialize in welding aluminium, stainless steel and steel for you

and welding with the TIG, MAG, MIG process ! We are passionate about your custom-made products and weld individual projects. For example, we support many projects in the classic car sector.

Are you up for sharing your passion/hobby/vocation with the outside world?

We have designed cool hoodies, T-shirts & snapbacks and many other fashionable everyday companions for him. You can find them on our Alu Löffel welder clothing website! So let’s make the world a little more sweat-crazy and decorate your life with these cool motifs and accessories!

Learn to weld online

Learn aluminum welding, Alugss welding and all the basics as well as advanced techniques directly in our Alu-Löffel online academy.

For welding tips & tricks, take a look at our

There are new insights every week and there are always new topics for you.

What our customers say

Pfingst-sale 18.-20.05.2024



auf eine Vielzahl von ausgewählten Produkten im onlineShop

-5 % auf Schweißgeräte Code: p24sg
-10 % auf Schweißzubehör Code: 2p24sz

Summer Sale bis 04.08.2024

auf eine Vielzahl von ausgewählten Produkten im onlineShop

-15 % auf Schleifgeräte & -zubehör Code: summerschleifen15

-18 % auf Böhler Geräte & -zubehör. Code: summerböhler18

-8 % auf Jasic Geräte. Code: summerjasic8

-10 % auf Schweißzubehör Code: summerzubehör10