Welding / repairing / converting aluminum tanks

Welding / repairing / converting aluminum tanks




Greetings from Schweißfan,


What is the best way to weld / repair / convert an aluminum tank?



Sure, aluminum tanks can be welded quite well and easily. I think the best thing about aluminum is that it is extremely good and easy to work with. This means that you can bend the plates almost by hand the way you want and can, for example, easily adapt and attach certain mounting plates to the tank.



I like to use a wooden or rubber hammer for this

to bring the whole thing into shape. But of course you can also simply use certain tools from the body shop for this.



Weldinger aluminum bucket hammer tank build



I like to use grip pliers to attach certain components, but if I don’t have any way of gripping the pliers, I usually have to make something to keep the part in the desired position.



WELDINGER grip tongs aluminum bucket welding tank welding repair






There should of course have been no fuel in the tank for some time. So that it is really optimally clean. If there are any gasoline gases left, it is best to form the tank with argon to prevent an unwanted explosion.


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When welding, it can still happen that dirt comes out. In this case, put the torch away, remove the dirt and only then continue welding. I know it’s a lot of work, but you won’t regret it in the end, because the end result is simply much, much better, right up to perfect.


This is the best way to do it


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Cleaning is absolutely essential for used items and aluminum.


When lowering at the end of the weld seam, always make sure that there is no crater, as these are usually leaky when they are pressed off.



To prevent leaks from occurring, increase the lowering time slightly and, ideally, make a slight circular movement with the burner at the end. This closes the end crater perfectly.



To pressurize an aluminium tank, we simply use compressed air and leak detection spray, which is extremely easy and effective.



You want more tips like this then have a look at my Youtube channel




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