Car tank repair
Car tank repair Hello car friends, greetings, Car tank repair Yes, that is of course the fine art of tank repair. Of course, this is anything but easy, as with a small moped or motorcycle tank. for a motorcycle tank we have really simple conditions, it’s […]
Welding Electrode sticks
Welding Electrode sticks Hey sweat fans, greetings, Welding Electrode sticks You have found me here because you have the problem that your electrode sticks or ignites badly during electrode welding? There are basically two reasons for this. One reason is that […]
Welding for beginners
Welding for beginners Greetings welding fans, Welding for beginners Welding for welding beginners is a cool topic for me, because it always takes me back to the way I started and you really have to think again. What are the first important steps in learning to weld? […]
Welding without gas
Welding without gas Greetings sweat fans, Welding without gas This article is about welding without gas. Is that even possible, does the whole thing make sense? Or can you really just save the gas when welding? So I can say quite clearly that gas-shielded arc […]
Welding machine hire
Welding machine hire Greetings welding fans, Welding machine hire I think it’s a very interesting topic. Is it actually possible to rent welding equipment? We can answer that with a clear yes, there are several providers where you can borrow or rent a welding machine directly. […]
Welding machine shielding gas
Welding machine shielding gas Greetings welding fans Welding machine shielding gas What is a shielding gas welding machine? We are talking about the fact that we need a shielding gas for welding and here are the different variants that are available. 1. helium 2. […]
Car welding battery
Car welding battery Greetings welding fans, Car welding battery Disconnecting the battery when welding is a mistaken belief and, in my opinion, counterproductive. The battery is one of the parts in the car that can dissipate voltage peaks. This protects the on-board electronics, […]
Hobby welding machine
Hobby welding machine Hey, welding fans, hello. Hobby welding machine There are now a lot of welding machines on the market, from cheap to very expensive, there really is a huge choice. The first question is what do I want to do with the welding machine? […]
Hobby WELDING TABLE Greetings welding fans, Hobby WELDING TABLE I am lucky to be able to say that I have two welding tables. From a good friend of mine from Nasty Tools. I have to say, a hole welding table is of course an awesome thing! We weld […]
Welding hobby
Welding hobby Greetings welding fans, Welding hobby I think it’s really cool how strongly this topic of welding is represented in Germany. Not only in the professional sector, but also in the hobby sector, there are really many people who weld. It should be noted that there are […]